  • The game starts with the dealer dealing out 3 cards to each player.
  • Each player starts the game by throwing an ante into the pot. In this case, the ante is $1.
  • The goal is to get 3 of a kind.
  • Aces are high.
  • 2s & 3s are wild.
  • The deal moves clockwise from player to player.
  • The dealer asks the player to their left if they are in or out, and continues until the choice comes back to them, where they then declare whether they too are in or out.
  • The dealer then asks the player to their left how many cards they would like to discard and be dealt. It is possible to take 0, 1, 2, or 3 cards.
  • After each player who stayed in has their cards, everybody shows their hands. The player with the best hand wins the pot. Every losing player to stayed in must match the pot.
  • A pair beats a single high card. Three of a kind beats a pair.
  • If two players have similar hands, aka the same pair, then we go to the kicker to determine the winner. If the kicker is the same, we go to the suit of the pair or high card to determine who won. The suit order is as follows:
    1. Spades
    2. Hearts
    3. Diamonds
    4. Clubs
  • If only one player choose to stay in, that one player must play the top three cards of the deck. The player does not get to discard and draw before doing so. If the deck wins, the player must match the pot. If the player wins, the pot is empty - and befor the next hand, each player must re-ante $1.
  • If every player around the table folds, everyone must re-ante.

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